Large Diameter Boring with Active Edge Nexus
You can make precise cutting edge adjustments wirelessly with Nexus tooling. Designed specifically for large diameter bores the rangecovers diameters from ∅ 275mm (10.827″) to ∅ 1020mm (40.15748″) for boring and ∅190mm (7.48″) – ∅735mm (28.93″) for overturning.
The Nexus is a self-contained module that can be added to standard flanges and is designed for boring, back-boring, over-turning and grooving applications.
Nexus is high-speed, lightweight aluminium tooling with through coolant to the cutting edge. It is a modular system and extendable for long workpieces.
The Nexus module comprises a wireless tranceiver, battery compartment and an ActiveEdge cartridge. The module is mounted to one end of a flange and a counterweight or balance block is mounted to the other end.
The cartridge module can be mounted on both ends of the flange and set to perform a two cut finish process, setting one cutting edge to semi-finish and the other to finish the bore.
Watch Nexus in Action
The ActiveEdge Nexus Module
Nexus revolutionises large diameter boring operations by replacing manually adjusted tooling with an automatically adjustable solution.
Nexus is a modular system which can be mounted to standard flanges and is adjusted wirelessly using in-process measurement data.
Adjustments, possible to one micron on diameter are made inside the machine with no manual intervention which reduces machine downtime and increases productivity.
Machine operators do not need to enter the machine envelope to make adjustments providing a positive impact on working conditions and improving health and safety.
Five sizes of flange are available covering a range from 275mm – 1020mm.
Technical Information for Nexus Boring
Technical Information for Nexus Overturning
Cutting Speeds for Nexus
ActiveEdge Cartridge
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